2018 Trends in Middle Market Restaurant and Food Franchise Capital Markets
2017 saw a lot of activity in the middle market restaurant and food franchise industry. We spoke with two experts…
Investors punished Netflix after it missed its most recent earnings target, which causes some at the Wall Street Journal Deal Blog to wonder if the time could be right for the content delivery company to strike a deal.
Although author Michael Corkey’s ultimate recommendation is for Netflix to focus on building its streaming content business, it’s interesting to consider who the company might target — or who might target them.
Author: Ziad K. Abdelnour
Ziad K. Abdelnour, President & CEO of Blackhawk Partners, Inc., has put together in this blog post what he calls a “Capital Raising 101 Course” for business owners seeking growth capital.
In our opinion, the highlight of the article is Abdelnour’s presentation of current options for entrepreneurs — great reading for those in the trenches.
The Centre for the Study of Financial Innovation has this week released a new report that criticizes the use of Internal Rate of Return as a measure of a fund’s performance, AltAssets reports. Click through to AltAsset for an overview, and the full article is available for purchase directly from CSFI.
Author: Stephen Grocer
Last week, “activist investor” Warren Peltz bought a 6.6% share in the discount retail chain “Family Dollar”, saying the stores shares were undervalued.  This week, the WSJ Deal Blog examines the chain’s prospects for growth, it’s competitive positioning relative to rival Dollar General, and whether Peltz may have jumped on the discount bandwagon too late.
Author: Jonathan Marino
Corporate dealmakers attending the Argyle Executive Forum 2010 report an optimistic outlook on H2 2010 M&A transactions, according to www.themiddlemarket.com. Strong earnings at target companies are reviving transactions that were originally contemplated as far back as 2007, and the lone sell-side advisor on the panel reports that, “Our guys are pretty busy right now.”
Image courtesy of LauraFries.com