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Streamlining the Opportunity Creation Process

Yesterday, we released a significant upgrade in the Axial Opportunity creation process. We’ve spent months looking at the information that Investment Bank and Advisor Members enter into Opportunities and have interviewed dozens of Members to understand what information was useful for Private Equity, Investment, and Corporate M&A Members when first reviewing Opportunities they receive.

The result of our work is a simpler and more streamlined Opportunity and the ability to save drafts in the middle of the opportunity creation process. A couple of months ago we upgraded the display of Opportunities to better showcase the wealth of valuable information our members include when presenting a Company.

Opportunity View 

New Draft Opportunities

In this release we’ve addressed a long standing request: Opportunity Drafts are now saved after each step. The Drafts will appear in the Draft Folder with italicized names, so they can be saved and continued at a later time. Start a draft, put in the details you have and come back later to finish before finding and connecting with buyers.

Draft Opportunity List 

New Opportunity Creation Process

We have also made Opportunities easier to enter. A number of fields that were infrequently used were removed, and we’ve rearranged the workflow to speed data entry.

Step 1 focuses on critical details about the Company seeking a transaction, including a number of details that help determine which types of Axial Buyers are best matches. We’ve also added an Internal Tracking Code that can be used to reference any ID used to track the Opportunity in a Seller’s own tracking system. The Internal Tracking Code is visible only to the Seller that owns the Opportunity.

Create Opportunity Step 1

Step 2 focuses on the transaction being sought and the financial performance of the Company. We’ve added a Financial Performance Explanation field that Sellers can use to provide detail to help a Buyer interpret the financial details provided.

We’ve got more upgrades coming for the transaction details section soon.

Create Opportunity Step 2

Step 3 focuses on the free-form description of the Company, which enables a Seller to provide any additional details and information that will help a Buyer understand the Opportunity being sent to them. This step is also where a Seller uploads their NDA.

Create Opportunity Step 3

We want to hear your feedback about these upgrades, and any other things you’d like Axial to do. Please leave us your feedback below!

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