The Middle Market Review Insights on the Middle Market.

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New Release: Axial v3.3

We’re very excited to announce the release of Axial v3.3 (which actually came out earlier today… ssh!). In v3.3, we have concentrated on enabling Buyers to present more detailed information to Sellers about what their company does and the types of investments or acquisitions it makes. This information helps add both credibility and visibility for Buyers, and enables Sellers to be able to do more in depth research into the Buyers that they connect with via Axial.

As always, we love feedback from our Members and others within the industry, so if you have any thoughts, please leave a comment or send us an email at [email protected]!


Buyers can now capture their company’s transaction history by listing Acquisitions. Acquisitions are classified using the familiar Opportunity Characteristics that Sellers use to describe the companies they bring to market via the Axial platform.

Acquisitions can be associated to particular Transaction Profiles, enabling Buyers to provide more details about their particular add-on mandates.

Buyer Profile Pages

The Buyer Profile is a dedicated page for all Buyer information accessible to Sellers, and is an important and powerful way for Buyers to present themselves to Sellers.

When hovering over a Buyer’s name (or Acquisition name in the case of an add-on), a mini-profile is displayed with relevant information.

Buyers can even upload a logo for display on the Profile.

Downloadable Opportunity PDFs

Buyers and Sellers can now easily download PDF versions of Opportunities they create or receive via Axialmarket. Opportunity PDFs can easily be shared with non-member stakeholders, such as partners and clients.

View a sample Opportunity PDF

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